John Grifonetti Shares the Top 10 Organizational Habits that Every Entrepreneur Should Cultivate

John Grifonetti
4 min readMay 27, 2021

Entrepreneurship can be a grueling career, and a proper sense of organization can go a long way toward helping business owners keep their lives and careers in order. John Grifonetti is a proponent of organizational habits, and he shares the top 10 skills that every entrepreneur should cultivate.

1. Create a Rewards-Based System

Your system for getting things done should involve rewards instead of punishments. Instead of punishing yourself for failing to organize a meeting ahead of time, focus on rewarding yourself when you do it right.

Entrepreneurs are wired differently, and everyone responds to a variety of incentives. “Left-brain” executives appreciate the use of established systems. They love project management apps, task lists, and calendars. For these executives, crossing a completed item off a list can be a reward in itself.

“Right-brain” executives chafe at the structure. Having monthly or weekly to-do lists is viewed as less restrictive. Right-brain entrepreneurs often “think out loud” on their messy desks, which become a physical, organizational system for their minds. Simply checking off an item from the to-do list will not bring pleasure on its own. These entrepreneurs may need to add in little rewards for themselves along the way. For example, getting tedious tasks done first and then moving on to more fun assignments can be a good motivator.

2. Meditation and Visualization

If you are having trouble with the direction of your company, it is a good idea to create a vision board. Each morning, for ten or fifteen minutes, reflect on your vision board and decide what actions you can take that will bring you closer to the goals named on the board. This will focus your mind on executive thinking rather than getting mired in the endless round of to-do lists that go along with an executive’s responsibilities.

3. Delegation

Expert managers know how to delegate. They learn to whom they should give the work and how likely it is to be completed well and on time. They understand each of their employees’ strengths and weaknesses, and they know how to balance the needs of everyone on their staff.

4. Using a Calendar Properly

Many entrepreneurs do not put their calendars to full use. Blocking out time for ongoing projects and certain tasks throughout the day can let your assistant and your team know that you are busy and should not be disturbed except in case of an emerging situation.

5. Set Aside Time to Plan

Many entrepreneurs get away with running their businesses by the seat of their pants, but too often, such slapdash habits come to haunt them. It is a good idea to set aside an entire day to plan, set goals, and set up an organizational system.

6. Use Tech Tools for Your Teams

A productivity tool like Slack can be a huge help when it comes to bringing your entire office on board with the same projects. Slack and similar programs cut down tremendously on the problem of useless emails. They can help integrate offices where many people are still working at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

7. Hold Short Check-In Meetings

Too many workdays are taken up with needless meetings. Rather than spending an hour each week on an all-hands meeting, consider setting up a 15-minute call on Zoom or Slack. Everyone can quickly be brought on board on a project and given the directions they need to take matters into their own hands.

8. Discipline

Great leaders need discipline. Even “right-brain” entrepreneurs need to know when it is time to concentrate on hard work. Dedicating a certain amount of time each day to your company’s overarching goals, as stated above in the section on visualization, will help you stay on track in terms of your business activities.

9. Set Goals Wisely

One of the most important considerations for entrepreneurs is setting realistic goals for each day. During the course of one day, you are unlikely to close on three accounts and sell a new product. Take your daily to-do list items down a notch and make them attainable. If you don’t, you will be left feeling continually frustrated that you can’t even keep up with your system.

10. Be Ready to Make Changes

If your new organizational system is not working for you, it will become readily apparent. Your work will suffer, and your employees will be confused about what is expected of them. Taking the time to set up a workplace organization system carefully will help you avoid these problems and bring you a more productive day.

Putting it All Together

John Grifonetti understands how difficult it can be to organize your mind and your life when you are a busy entrepreneur. Taking a look at these ten suggestions can help you structure a business schedule and master plan that work for your company and help take some of the stress and worry off your plate when it comes to planning future activities.



John Grifonetti

John Grifonetti has built a career investing into small businesses and personally helping them grow with his considerable acumen for understanding markets